Maui Wildfire Donations

Stronger Together Maui No Ka Oi Sticker Benefiting Lahaina Wildfires


Aloha Biasa Rose & Lokelani Paia Ohana,

There are no words to fully convey the amount of loss and devastation being felt across the island of Maui and throughout our community right now. Since day one we have been jumping in to meet needs as they are presented to us. We directly know people that have lost homes and businesses along with the new community we've connected to because of this tragedy. 

In an effort to be fully transparent about where donations are going, we created this page for you. We understand trust is easy if you know our family directly, but if not, we want to keep you in the loop to where funds are being allocated. 

We are being very intentional about donations as the needs are ever changing but one thing remains...this will be a long road ahead and we want to commit to it for as long as it takes.

The first few days after the wildfires of Lahaina and Kula, one thing was certain, the Maui community showed up when other sources weren't on the ground yet. We got clothing, toiletries, comforting stuffed animals and food directly to people that needed. We opened our doors as a donation drop off and pick up site for those displaced to the North Shore. Once these immediate need were met, we continued to get alerted to specific needs and we met those as often as physically possible.

On day three, we started getting funds directly into the hands of people that lost homes and livelihood so they could get the things needed and start putting back together their lives as time goes on. As of day five we got money to forty families and multiple organizations getting hot food out.

Since this time, we have been hearing individual needs and acting. For example, someone that just got settled in a temporary home and needed groceries delivered, an event going on at a shelter that needed art supplies as a route of relief for the kids or an organization that is getting surfboards to kids that lost theirs so they have an outlet from it all. 

As of September 8th, one month since the fire, we have given directly to over 75 families. We still continue to meet specific needs as they arise and also, with a little kind eaves dropping or conversations with our amazing customers, we've replaced items that have been lost that were originally purchased at our stores or similar to something special obtained elsewhere.

Our mission is to make rainbows from the rain as much as we can every day, thank you for being a part.

We appreciate you from the bottom of our hearts for your love and help thus far. We are thankful to bridge the gap for those not on the island and are devoted to doing all we can.

Mahalo nui from the Biasa Rose team,  Ashley, Jeremiah and the rest of the Solberg family.