Biasa Rose Blog
I’ve got the perfect beach/ travel bag for you
maui kitesurfing repurposed sail bags

A bag that travels well, and earth friendly? I found it with sailbags maui ! made on maui from blown out kite sails, that would otherwise end up in the landfill, repurposed into bright functional totes,fanny packs, and small personal size wristlets ...all one of a kind..check out online or stop by.. a perfect gift ..
Maker Spotlight: Auntie Oti
maker spotlight staff picks women’s fashion

Celebrating Moms....wherever they may be 💕
celebrating wahine Gift ideas holiday gifts

This Mother’s Day, we celebrate moms of all kinds...traditional moms, step-moms, single moms, adoptive moms, foster moms, moms to be, even Mr. Moms. We also want to celebrate women who may not have children, but have been a mom to our kids. Furthermore, the youth group leaders, teachers, or coaches who have influenced and impacted our kids. And never to forget, let's take a moment to reach out to those who may find this day challenging, who may no longer have a mom to celebrate with. We want to celebrate ALL who are moms in some way....but let’s be honest, celebrations of any...
Staying inspired while staying inside

Celebrating Women - International Women's Day
celebrating wahine Gift ideas local makers

As a women owned and operated business, we felt there was no better time to introduce our blog than by honoring this special day that brings together women of all different backgrounds and cultures. March 8 is International Women's Day - a global day celebrating social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women - while also marking a call to action for accelerating gender equality. Celebrated on March 8 every year, it is a day for women from all different backgrounds and cultures to band together to fight for women's rights. First officially celebrated in February 1917, the theme for...